These are used to trade for Special Theme cards during a Special Theme Event. You collect these along with Mileage when you draw cards in a limited-time draw.

It usually requires 800 Trade Coins to trade an XR Performance Card, this is equal to 8 times of X10 draws in an event.


Usually, you’re only allowed to trade for one card per group.

<aside> 💡 Trade coins will be removed after the duration of an event and you will not be reimbursed. Try to use them before the event ends.


To trade a card, open your Performance Cards inventory, then tap on “EVENT TRADE” on the left of your screen. Once you’re in the trade interface, select the group and idol whose XR Grade Special Themed card you wish to obtain. You will then have to select and sacrifice any 3 XR Grade cards from any group. Once you’re ready, you can tap on the “TRADE” button to obtain the Special Themed card you want.