

The gameplay is pretty simple, you need to tap on the notes when they get right on top of the highlighted line.

For long notes, you need to tap and hold it until the end. You don’t need to tap it again. There’s no penalties for holding it past the end, but it will give less score if you leave it earlier.

Depending on how accurately you were able to tap a note on time, you get a feedback:

Marvelous > Excellent > Good > Fair > Miss

Marvelous gives you the highest score, while miss gives you none. Getting Fair or Miss will also deduct your HP.

<aside> 💡 Extra info: The accuracy is mainly dependent on the Y-axis and is very lenient on the X-axis.


<aside> 💡

Pro Tip: Reduce the friction between your finger and the screen to be able to score better. Try using finger sleeves on your fingers, or baby powder/lotion on the screen.


Max Hits

While playing, getting a Marvelous or Excellent hit on a note will increase your Hits counter by 1 also known as Combo.

A Combo is reset only when you score Fair or Miss. It can be seen on the center of the screen during gameplay.

<aside> 💡 Good neither raises nor resets your Combo.


The number indicates your current Combo/Hits

The number indicates your current Combo/Hits

After playing a song, you’ll be met by the Game Result window which displays your Max Hits along your score, ranking and other details.

Cheers To Youth Perfect Hit Score.png

A “Perfect Hit” or “All Excellent” means that you have scored a mix of either Excellent or Marvelous on every single note of a level.